Status Codes:
(FE) Federally Endangered
(FT) Federally Threatened
(SE) State Endangered- Native taxa in imminent danger of extirpation from Rhode Island. These taxa may meet one or more of the following criteria:

1. A taxon formerly considered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for listing as Federally endangered or threatened. These species were identified as C2 (Category 2) taxa for which information indicated that proposing to list under the Federal Endangered Species Act was potentially appropriate, but for which sufficient data on biological vulnerability and threat were not currently available to support proposed rules. The US Fish & Wildlife Service is currently not designating Category 2 species.
2. A taxon with 1 or 2 known or estimated total populations in the state.
3. A taxon apparently globally rare or threatened, estimated to occur at approximately 100 or fewer sites range-wide.

Plants listed as State Endangered are protected under the provisions of the Rhode Island State Endangered Species Act, Title 20 of the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island. This law states, in part (20-37-3):

“No person shall buy, sell, offer for sale, store, transport, import, export, or otherwise traffic in any animal or plant or any part of any animal or plant whether living or dead, processed, manufactured, preserved or raw (if) such animal or plant has been declared to be an endangered species by either the United States secretaries of the Interior or Commerce or the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.”

(ST) State Threatened- Native taxa which are likely to become State Endangered in the future if current trends in habitat loss or other detrimental factors remain unchanged. In general, these taxa have 3-5 known or estimated populations and are especially vulnerable to habitat loss.

(SC) Species of Concern – Native taxa not considered to be State Endangered or Threatened at the present time, but are listed due to the various factors of rarity and/or vulnerability.

(SH) State Historical- Native taxa which have been documented for Rhode Island during the last 150 years but for which there are no extant populations. When known, the year of last documented occurrence is included.

For Plants not on the RI Rare Plant List
C – Common
A – Abundant
F – Frequent
U – Uncommon
O – occasional
R – Rare

RI County abbreviations
Bristol – BR
Kent – KE
Newport – NE
Providence – PR
Washington – WA